
NYSFOLA Western Regional Conference Saturday October 23, 2021. If you are interested in viewing the conference, the link is provided below:

Passcode: Yd$4pukR

Dr. Souza’s presentation available as PDF: Download here

Gardens and Gutter

Attached, please find the CNY Stormwater Coalition's Summer 2021 newsletter, Gardens and Gutters. This edition is focused on wet weather gardening and how to address associated negative impacts on water quality. Members of the Otisco Lake Preservation Association may find the information useful.

Land Trust and Partners complete restoration project on Otisco Lake. Read more!

Partnership Secures Otisco Lake Shoreline


2020 Year-end update

June 22, 2020 in FLLT News:

To everyone who supports conservation in the Finger Lakes region, thank you. Please enjoy this short video from our Annual Meeting, and share it with friends who would love to help us save more land and water.

Watch the movie full-screen to savor the beautiful scenery of our forever home!

A reference folder is now available at the Marcellus Library. The OLPA reference materials are located in the reference section of the library at R363.7 in a folder labeled "Otisco Lake Preservation Association." 

The reference folder consists of the materials listed below:

  • The Otisco Lake Book: A Citizens Guide to Protecting Otisco Lake. (There is also copies of this book in the Historic documents section of the Marcellus library and also another within the Onondaga County Library system)

  • Cornell Cooperative Extension Folder

  • Invasive Weed Identification Guide

  • Train the Trainer Manual

  • Weeds Watch Out: Adopt a Shoreline Program

  • How to Build a Rain Barrel

  • A Selection of Plants for a Rain GardenFinger Lakes Landscapes - Landscaping for Water Quality in the Finger Lakes Region

Thank you to Bill Ayling for putting the information together!

Services Available


Boat/PWC Inspection

Grant Information



Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) uses Otisco Lake together with Lake Ontario to provide drinking water throughout the county.  Visit Otisco Lake as a Drinking Water Source for a detailed description of this process. To review the Otisco Dam and its role with OCWA, please visit the  Dam Update site.

Note:  Otisco Lake provides  15  out of 19  towns in Onondaga drinking water, including Syracuse!

This table is from:



OCWA water table.JPG

Water Quality Information

For more information on the quality of the water and other learning resources, pleaseit the pages and and review the brochures below!

Hydrilla Boater Education



Invasive Species- awareness programs



(Fact Sheet)


This is used for educationing boaters, shoreline property owners, anglers, and other water creators regarding the prevention of spread of the invsive water week Hydrilla.

Please feel free to print and distribute this to your various audiences or to post it on your naturea resource (or ther) websites. 

U.S. Forest Service

BoatUS Foundation

Eurasian Watermilfoil


What is phosphorus? Where does it come from? How does it affect me? These questions and more answered in this fact sheet.


Hobart William Smith hosts Finger Lakes Research Conference

A well planned day of knowledgeable speakers enlightened over 100 attending scientists, researchers and community partners to this years Finger Lakes Research Conference.  Ten half hour sessions covered a variety of topics such as : Fisheries management, Wastewater Treatment findings of pharmaceuticals and microplastics; Benefits to Round Goby, Spread of Starry Stonewort, Agricultural programs to protect watersheds. HABS, Mercury concentrations in Food Webs,  and Integrated Watershed Management.  As an added bonus an hour was provided to discuss over a dozen prepared educational posters by a variety of scientists.


DEC Otisco Lake representative Dr. Lewis McCaffrey presented a poster at this years Finger Lakes Annual Research Conference held November 17 shown to the left.  He was able to compare presence of zebra and quagga mussels in three Finger Lakes.  Note the center of his  poster which compares Owasco, Skaneateles and Otisco Lakes and the finding of muscles their density at a variety of depths.  

Dr. McCaffrey stated that "these muscles have been implicated in the promotion of toxic microcystis blooms and increase in soluble reactive phosphorous proportion and so their absence, presence, number and biomass is of importance to the control of HABS in the Finger Lakes".


